About Us

Dr. Tae Hyun Kim

Dr. Tae Hyun Kim is the founder of Five Phases Acupuncture PC in Manhasset, New York. He has developed a Primary Holistic Integrative “PHI” method approach to Internal Medicine and Orthopedics. The core philosophy of his medicine is based on the Four Pillars of East Asian Medicine based on the concept of Qi.


The character Qi is rice being cooked in which steam is rising on top. Aside from the etymological meaning it is describing a function that is warming, transforming, rising and something edible that can nourish one’s body and health.

The Four Pillars of East Asian Medicine

1. Tool Medicine – Vessels, i.e. meridians, channels and points

  • Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, Gua-Sha, Plum Plum Blossom, e-stim, light therapy

2. Herbs and Diet – Taste and Temperature

  • Diet Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Supplements

3. Physical Manipulations – Gait and Posture

  • Zheng Gu Tui Na: Manual Therapy, Stretches & Joint Mobilization

4. Qi Gong – Mind Body Breath Unified Practice

  • Forms, Postures, Corrective Exercises, Breathing Techniques.


Primary Holistic Integrative Approach:Treating every patient to have better posture for breathing and nutrition for energy

Internal Medicine

  • Detox

  • Nourish

  • Adapt


  • Alleviate Pain

  • Increase flexibility and strength

  • Correct Gait and Posture


  • Doctorate in Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine (PCoHS)

  • Licensed Acupuncturist in the State of New York 

  • Licensed Massage Therapist in the State of New York

  • Master’s Degree in Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (NYCoHP)

  • Bachelor's Degree in Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (NYCoHP)

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Earth & Space Sciences (SUNY Stony Brook)

  • China University Hospital Study in Beijing, Shang Hai, Luo Yang & Xian City.

  • Instructor for Traditional Thai Massage certified by the Government of Thailand, Ministry of Education by the Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai. (500 Hour Certificate)

  • TCM Pathophysiology & 36 Classical Needle Technique from Society of Classical Asian Medicine (120 Hours)

  • Medical Qi Gong Program from Society of Classical Asian Medicine (500 Hours)

  • Qi Gong Practice: Yi Jin Jing, Kouk Sun Do (1500 Hours)

  • Zheng Gu Tui Na taught by Dr. Chi Wai Wong (100 Hours)

  • Principles of Postural Alignment from Yoga Flow Studios (100 Hours)

  • Detox, Nutrition & Adapt for Anti-Aging, Weight Loss and Hormone Balance (500 Hours)

  • Kyo Jung Certification: Korean Physical Body Manipulations from Society of Classical Asian Medicine (200 Hours)

  • Advanced Biostructural Corrections (Basic, Advanced & Endonasal)

  • American Posture Institute

  • Higher Brain Living Facilitator

  • Candidate in Biofeedback Certification International Alliance, expected December 2017.